Just FYI, below is my own personal Entrecard drop list. This list is only one of a number of ways in which I drop my three hundred cards a day, which I am doing fairly regularly of late. In addition to dropping from this list I also use Turnip of Power's EC drop list as well as the exceptionally useful tool published by Mar Matthias Darin which shows you tiny screen shots of the last three hundred and twenty five or so blogs that dropped on his blog. What's really neat is that when you click on a thumbnail, the blog opens in a new tab and the button image disappears, so you literally can't accidentally click the same blog twice and don't need to keep track of your place. I also, once or twice a month drop on my inbox, several times a week I drop on the top 10 blogs in my category, Books, as well as the top ten in Writing & Literature (the EC toolbar makes all of this really easy). And I also try to spend some of my drops each day just clicking on ads that are unfamiliar and catch my eye.
The list is arranged roughly in the order of the number of drops each of these blogs made on me, though in the under 4 drops/month there is some up and down, which I don't plan to bother correcting. This list is updated as of November 1st and will be updated when it becomes less useful ;)
Want to be added? Just drop your card HERE then leave a comment on this post. And keep on dropping.
Technically Easy 29 drops
Long Tail Ends 26 drops
Green Pastures 25 drops
Thrift Mom 24 drops
Cromley's World 22 drops
Thailand 1,000 Smiles 22 drops
Feeling Flirty 22 drops
MTMD 20 dr0ps
KML Photo 20 drops
EZ DIY electric 20 drops
Reading Nook 19 drops
Geek Mom Mashup 17 drops
Admin Arts 17 drops
Lapband Progress 16 drops
Mortgage And Moren 16 drops
Rich Real Estate 16 drops
Travelin Show 16 drops
Writing To Survive 15 drops
iPemiento 15 drops
Inspire Emotion 15 drops
Path To Pegasus 15 drops
Majik's Thoughts 15 drops
Eye Spi 14 drops
Sweet and Spice 14 drops
Junkfood Journey 14 drops
Blog 2 Sides 14 drops
Sexy Ads 14 drops
Margie Edna 14 drops
Mrs McOmber 13 drops
Joan Joyce 13 drops
Matthias 13 drops
Monique Renae 13 drops
Money Love Change 13 drops
ebook techie 13 drops
Lucent Dusk 13 drops
DB Comix 13 drops
Politics 2000 12 drops
Random Thoughts 12 drops
Junk Drawer 12 drops
1st Door Left 12 drops
Chica Pum 12 drops
Michael Aulia 12 drops
Superficial Gallery 11 drops
LPLPX 11 drops
Fennster 11 drops
Copy Write Ink 11 drops
West Of Mars 11 drops
Random Thoughts 11 drops
Fil Am Journey 11 drops
Wildclips 11 drops
Red Pine Mountain 11 drops
Random Detox 10 drops
Rose By Name 10 drops
glitchline 10 drops
Ask Super Z 10 drops
Life With Kim 10 drops
DB Comix 10 drops
Reap Money 10 drops
Coffee 9 drops
Mama Bear 9 drops
Neon Bubble 9 drops
Crap World 9 drops
Celebrity Today 9 drops
Asian Economist 9 drops
World Word 9 drops
apexto 9 drops
Plot Dog Press 9 drops
Beaker's Dimensions 9 drops
Copious Dissent 9 drops
Maurica 8 drops
Jason Biz Journal 8 drops
efabric 8 drops
Ben Barden 8 drops
Unpredictable Life 8 drops
Amy Lilley Designs 8 drops
So What Now 8 drops
Modern Glam 7 drops
HRM Business 7 drops
Rich's Blog 7 drops
Celebrity Today 7 drops
Art Blog Wild 6 drops
Click D Talk 6 drops
Visit NYC 6 drops
Here And Now 6 drops
Daisy Cat 6 drops
Of Cats 5 drops
Beauty Denominator 5 drops
Comedy Plus 5 drops
Steven Humor 5 drops
Comics Legends 5 drops
Flying Beagle 5 drops
Roller Blog 5 drops
Atlanta 5 drops
Monkey Fables 5 drops
Couch Tater 5 drops
Atniz 5 drops
Random Ramblings 5 drops
The Leet Gallery 5 drops
Worldwide Travel 5 drops
Holy Cute 5 drops
Yummy Down 5 drops
Handy Tips 5 drops
Tinkerbell 4 drops
small dog stuff 4 drops
Urban Swirl 4 drops
Empty Cup 4 drops
Texas RV Travel 4 drops
Doug in Missoula 4 drops
Walls Soft 3 drops
On The Bricks 3 drops
Obscure History 3 drops
Girl4Status 3 drops
The Beacon 3 drops
Sense Sensibility 3 drops
MMusings 3 drops
Fong pc 3 drops
Bookworm 37
Nicktay 3 drops
Wanjiku 3 drops
Clint Richie 3 drops
PNut Butter Blog 3 drops
Winter's Tale 3 drops
enviornmentastic 2 drops
Dirty Shanks 2 drops
Reach For More 2 drops
Mums Gotta 2 drops
Hi Mi 4 2 drops
Techfun 2 drops
Sensory Overload 2 drops
Midnight Cocoa 2 drops
Disco Diva 1 drop
Cabbages and Kings new to list
Slap Tickle new on list
Art Journal Nicole excused til after election
The Thin Red Line own site
Steam Punk Rings 3 drops
Kustara 2 drops
Hows Bradley 2 drops
So Called Life 2 drops
After Midnight 2 drops
Crissy's Library 1 drop
Literary Jewels 1 drop
Playthere 1 drop
Life With Rog 1 drop
Tokyo Tom 1 drop
Nawlins Food new on list
Marketers Ramblings 1 drop
Epicurian Health 1 drop
Makea Pound 1 drop
Trip The Lady 1 drop
Creative Nerd 1 drop
J Donuts 1 drop
Farvel Cargo 1 drop
If You Write It 1 drop
Modern Historian 1 drop
Beautiful Places 1 drop
Molly Brogan 1 drop
thanks for adding me to your drop list :)
Thnx for add my website on your list
Thanks for mentioning me! Have a nice weekend :)
Thanks for including my blogs on your list.
thank you for including me ;)
Thanks for including glitchline and ebooktechie. Will return the favor as always.
Thanks for the mention in your drop list!
Thank you for listing me. I have also published my drop list. Only sites with the widget get listed.
Yeah, it's hard to figure out who to drop to. Lately, I've had days where more than 300 have dropped on me. I ought to make a list like this, to make sure my friends get dropped on during those days.
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