Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Social Media Plan

My friend Holly is participating the We Blog Better guest posting contest this month.    Her article  Failure To Plan, Planning To Fail: Why You Need A Social Media Plan  was just the inspiration I needed,  after all these years socializing online to come up with my very own social media plan:

Continue participating on Twitter, Facebook and Empire Avenue. Continue to attract new friends and followers. Continue policy of accepting all friend requests on Facebook but only selectively follow back on Twitter.
Begin getting people to sign up for my new e-mail list on Mail Chimp.
Continue writing e-book about Empire Avenue. Send a link for free e-book to everyone on list, once it is published.
Write more articles for It appears these articles continue to attract regular readers month after month, making the site a good place to create content and backlinks.
My plan contains NO numbers. No metrics. But it is specific and achievable and I believe it will enable me to further my goals.    It seems to me I meet so many metrics-obsessed folks on Empire Avenue these days.   They are SO involved in how many days it will take them to reach a 100 share price,  that many of them seem to quite fail to notice that they are getting their share prices out of sync with their daily dividends.    Reaching a 100 share price in less than a month is wonderful,  but if your daily dividends are only .50,   you are a very poor value proposition and certainly not displaying the kind of understanding and savvy that a "social media professional"  would want to display.
I am definitely Not a social media professional,  not even the copy/paste variety.   But I believe that I am doing well on Empire Avenue.   I am so pleased with all of the great people I've met and I am definitely continuing to have fun.   I've said before that Having Fun is my first priority,  and honestly I place all of my social media goals above secondary to it.